Earth's orbit has been perturbed, causing the planet to slowly move towards the sun for the past 93 years. The phenomenon was originally named Terrestrial Orbit Lapse, but is widely called the Lapse.
Scientists estimate that in 52 years the Earth will be so close to the Sun that life will no longer be sustainable.
The rising heat melted the pole glaciers sinking most of Europe and other parts of the world. As enormous waves of environmental refugees tried to reach safety, a new wave of colonization took place. Europe once more descended on Africa, forming the dominant Paneuropa. Since the first years of the Lapse, newly formed electromagnetic fields around the globe deemed all electronic equipment useless, sending the technological status of humankind back to the first days of the industrial revolution.

While the structure of human society is on the brink of collapse, the Eight Families keep a solid grip on power through their omnipresent Conglomerates. Self-declared rulers of Paneuropa’s city-states, they are battling for authority and influence until the very end. They control the army and the police and have created authoritarian regimes in most developed cities. Democracy is a concept of times past, dismantled for the “benefit of the people''.
In Neu Bonn, capital of Paneuropa, the Catharsis Wall encircles the lower castes in the Center, isolating them from the Citadel and the rest of the world.

Members of the Eight Families that run the world and strive for power and control.

The working force of the System. The obey so they can exist inside it.
After the initial chaos subsided, a new kind of social order has developed, consisting of Castes. Those who exist inside the Novum Ordo, and those outside it.
No one is equal under the sun any more!

People living outside the Novus Ordo, get no support and have to survive on their own.

They are considered non-persons for racial or political reasons.

The Tabletop RPG Dimday Red, pits players right in the last days of human kind. Nowhere to run, no deus ex machina, just choosing how they will live their lives while the world ends.

Depending on their choices and playing style, players gain Moribus cards which in time lead to the Seven Deadly Sin and Seven Heavenly Virtue cards. Their Sins and Virtues define their personalities and provide them with unique abilities and drawbacks.
The Dimday Red Collector's Bundle contains 1 Quickstart, 1 Zine, 5 Playbooks, 1 Deck of 49 Moribus cards, 1 Deck of 14 Tenet Cards, 1 Neu Bonn map, 1 DdR Comic and extra swag.

The Sin and Virtue dice rolls (can be replicated by regular d8s), take the players deeper into the most sacred and the most loathed parts of their psyche. They may fight for survival, or plan to take down the status quo, they may have the power to control the light, or rock-hard skin, but deep down they are all human beings. Their actions have consequence to their soul, and their soul will determine their actions. In a dying world where all become one.


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